Local residents filled the Gabriel Room at St Pauls Church for the latest residents’ forum. The meeting, organised by Alamein Community Association, allows local people to meet and quiz police, councillors and council officers on local issues.
The meeting opened with a presentation from PCSOs Peter Jones and Elly Hughes on policing issues followed by questions from the public. Gemma Sacree of Test Valley’s Community Safety team was also on hand to answer questions. A particular concern was youth nuisance in and around Smannell Road open space and the new skate park. Cllr Barbara Carpenter called for increased policing in the area and the removal of the shelter on the open space as it is a centre for trouble.
Steve Raw of Test Valley’s Planning and Transport department gave an update on traffic calming and parking controls. Barbara Carpenter, Len Gates and Cllr Phil North have a further meeting with Highways officers next month to discuss traffic calming on Smannell Road. Residents criticised the diversion of Smannell Road through Augusta Park. Len Gates explained the decision was made by borough councillors despite strong objections from councillors for the area. Local councillors also proposed an additional access road to Augusta Park but this was rejected. The plans were later ratified by a public enquiry despite further objections.
Marion Orwin raised concerns about traffic past Roman Way School and the lack of a proper crossing there. Several other speakers also called action. Phil North explained a crossing is planned but will not be built until next year. Len Gates asked for improved signage and flashing lights like those outside Knights Enham School to be installed. Steve Raw agreed to investigate this.
Councillors Barbara Long and Steven Hardstaff gave a presentation on the Andover Town Council’s neighbourhood plan which will give local people more say in future development in the town. Local volunteers are needed to help draw up the plan.
Len Gates closed the meeting with a run down of events organised by Alamein Community Association and inviting everyone to the Association’s AGM in King Arthurs Hall at 7:30pm on 11th November. The next resident’s forum is planned for January.