New dog waste bins

Hadrian Road

Following requests from local residents, I have arranged for additional dog waste bins to be installed around Alamein ward. The first bin has already been installed on the open space in Hadrian Road; more bins will shortly be installed around Roman Way and a bin is also planned  for the northern end King Arthur’s Way.

If you know of an area where extra bins are needed let me know on 012164 356759 or [email protected]

Recycling survey


Test Valley Liberal Democrats plan to consult local residents on proposals to implement additional recycling facilities across the borough.Test Valley Borough Council currently operates an alterative bin collection system (ABC) where household waste is collected one week and recyclables (paper, card and some plastics) are collected on the next week.

 Unlike some councils, TVBC does not collect glass. The council has considered and rejected a door step collection of glass because of costs but Lib Dem councillors have asked for officers to look again at the possibility of a small scale trial or collections in urban areas only.

Lib Dem councillors also plan to undertake a borough wide survey of residents’ views on additional recycling facilities. Launching the campaign Cupernham councillor Dorothy Baverstock said “It is essential that we boost our recycling rates. Glass recycling has proved popular with the public and we want to expand the facility. Most areas need more collection points or door step collections.”

We aim to make our recycling provision as effective and consumer friendly as possible. This is why we are consulting the public. We plan to customise recycling facilities to meet local needs.  A survey will be distributed to residents over the next few months. In the meantime copies are available from Lib Dem councillors across the borough or by following this link


Action on motorcycle nuisance

Dark Lane, Icknield Way

Following complaints from residents about uninsured and unlicensed motorbikes using Dark Lane between Andover and Enham I contacted police and neighbourhood wardens for action

Patrols were increased in the area and as a result two offenders were issued with warning notices. Police are confident they have solved the problem in the short term and that the offenders will move on to more suitable locations. In the meantime they will continue to monitor the area.

If you see a repeat of motorcycles using the lane or any other footpath please advise the police on 08450 454545 or dial 101 to report the offence. All calls are treated in confidence and all reported offences will be logged and investigated.

SHA votes for fluoridation


Last Thursday The Board of South Central Strategic Health Authority voted to instruct Southern Water to fluoridate the local water supply. A copy of their press release is can be read via the following link

This decision was taken despite massive local opposition to the plan. I have written to Cllr David Drew, chair of Test Valley’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee stating that

“In doing this they ignored local opinion, the representations of Hampshire County Council, no votes by Test Valley and Eastleigh Borough Councils and similar no votes from town and parish council in the area.”

“Given the strong vote against fluoridation by Test Valley Borough Council will you please consider calling a representative of the South Central Strategic Health Authority to explain their decision to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.”

I look forward to his response.

Smannell Road update


Local residents have contacted me regarding the state of Smannell Road play area, left ploughed up and unusable by contractors working for Southern Water. I raised this matter at a council meeting several months ago and was advised that, because of the poor quality of re-instatement work carried out by the contractors, Test Valley Borough Council would carry out the repair and re-instatement work and invoice Southern Water.

Council officers are currently costing the work and other losses incurred and hope to be in a position to resolve this by the end of the month.

New recycling centre for Andover

Robin Hughes at the new site

Andover’s new Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) located in Scott Close, on the Walworth Industrial Estate, will open to the public at 8:00am on Wednesday 3 December 2008. The existing Household Waste Recycling Centre at Shepherds Spring Lane will close permanently at 4:00pm on Tuesday 2 December 2008. Diversion signs will be in use to redirect users from the old HWRC to the new site once it is up and running. The new centre’s opening hours will remain the same as those of the existing facility.

County Councillor Robin Hughes said, “After several years of waiting, a bigger and better Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) for Andover will open in early December. I congratulate the contractors and the county officers for completing this new facility ahead of schedule. Local residents will no longer have to put up with cars parked nose to tail back from the site and on to New Street and beyond.”

 The new  £1.2million Household Waste Recycling Centre incorporates a split-level layout, providing an upper area dedicated entirely to customers. Twelve containers for recycling and disposal, plus increased space for other recycling amenities such as a sales area and bottle bank. There is a separate access for lorries to the lower area to carry out bin servicing. This removes the need to temporarily close the site to the public during bin changeovers, so queuing times will be significantly reduced.   Extra parking spaces have been provided to improve customer access and has been designed to prevent cars queuing on the road outside the entrance in busier periods.

Action not words

Before         After

On Saturday I was contacted by a resident of The Oval, Cricketers Way who was very concerned about the heavy deposit of fallen leaves outside the flats. On investigating I found that there were leaves 1 – 2 inches deep. These were not only unsightly but also dangerous because they were wet and slippery. Several residents and visitors to the block commented on the need to clear the leaves as soon as possible.

 I contacted Test Valley’s Environmental Services and they arranged to inspect the problem and resolve it. The leaves were cleared and the whole area swept on Monday morning. My congratultions to all the staff in Environmental Services who responded promptly and effectively to sort this problem.

Tree Preservation orders for Enham

Trees on Newbury Road

Several more tree preservation orders have been served on trees and woodland in Enham Alamein. This is the next stage of a survey of all of the trees in the village which I requested in April of last year.

The first series of TPOs covered the memorial trees on Newbury Road. This latest series is in two parts. The first covers trees along Newbury Road in front of the factory, in and around Landale Close and around Dunhills Lane and Greenfields. The second order covers hedges and trees around the playing fields on Knightsbridge Road and along the cinder path.

This does not mean the trees cannot be cut or removed but does mean that any works cannot be carried out without first applying for planning permission

 If anyone would like further details please contact me.

Litter on Greenwich Way


Working locally I am able to keep an eye on flytipping and litter in and around Alamein ward. The above picture shows some of the problems I regularly encounter. In this case the end of Greenwich Way is being used as an unofficial lorry park and takeway litter, discarded meals ands drink cans are left here afterwards.

I have contacted council officers to request the area be cleaned up as soon as possible. I am also supporting my fellow councillor Mike McGarry’s campaign to get a proper lorry pasrk in Andover with adequate facilities for drivers. Once such a park is established three is no need for drivers to park up on other roads and leave the sort of litter I found here when they leave.

Amazing Alamein Swap Shop

Following on from the success of the Amazing Alamein litter pick your local environmental group has now arranged a swap shop. This is an ideal opportunity to bring along things you no longer want and swap them for something you do want. Recycle and reuse rather than dumping things.

 Also on offer is face painting, cookery demonstrations and a treasure hunt. The event takes place on Saturday 11th October from 12:00 noon at the Smannell Road church centre.

Full details are given on the attached poster swap-shop-poster.pdf