Many residents have contacted me regarding the proposed closure of Smannell Road between Icknield Way and Smannell. Concerns have been expressed about increased traffic through Smannell and Little London, traffic using unsuitable local roads as alternatives, possible accidents outside the school, damage to the roads during the diversion and delays for emergency vehicles reaching Smannell.
The road will be closed for up to three months from 23 March while road works are carried out at East Anton. This involves widening the road and installing new roundabouts.
The decision to do so is made by the developers in consultation with the highway authorities. There is no statutory requirement for local consultation. I, Phil Duke on behalf of the parish council and Robin Hughes as county councillor have all made very strong representations to Hampshire Highways on this but the have advised us there is no alternative to the closure.
In way of mitigation the highways department have said
HCC and the police have agreed the necessary work of widening Smannell Road can only be carried out safely with the road closed
The developer has spoken to local farmers to ensure they maximise the lorry traffic they generate before the closure takes place, so they can minimise it during the closure.
The Contractor is required to provide large notices at each end of the closure a minimum of one week before the closure. Further signs will also be placed en route to discourage drivers from taking “shortcuts” along unsuitable roads.
The route will be surveyed before and after the closure and any damage to roads will be re-instated.
The emergency services and the school will be notified so that they can take appropriate actions.
Smannell and Enham Alamein parish councils will be formally notified but this is for information only.
Finally they emphasise this is a matter for the highways authority alone and there is no alternative route. I and your other councillors will, of course, monitor the closure and diversion closely and take immediate action should any problems occur.