I share residents concern and anger at the continual flooding on Smannell Road open space and have joined local campaigner Liz Byrne in calling for immediate action to solve the problem.
The footpath from Roman Way to the new pedestrian crossing outside Tesco is lower than surrounding recently landscaped areas. Water collects on the path making it impassable whenever it rains. The surrounding grassed areas are now churned up as residents try to avoid the flooding. The whole area has been dug up on a number of occasions in the last two years as contractors tried to solve drainage and other problems.
I have asked both Hampshire Highways and Test Valley Borough Council to take immediate action to solve the problem. There has always been some flooding in this area but never been as bad as at present. I’m not bothered who takes responsibility for solving the problem as long as something is done. There is no point having wonderful new landscaping and pedestrian controlled traffic signals if residents have to wade through muddy water to cross the road.
It’s not just in that one place. The path by the footbridge behind Wickes is often flooded, the path to Shepherd’s Spring Lane by the side of the Cement works is impossible and you have to walk through mud or get your feet wet! Also, the path into Tesco from the “Carpet Right” crossing is the same.
Perhaps we should let Cllr. Carr know that we really want puddles with mud fringing. He’ll then do his utmost to get rid of them!!